Monday, April 13, 2009

Chuck Close

Chuck Close's over sized self portraits are a study of value and scale organized in an interesting composition. This concept relates to our drawing classes study of tone and grey scale for many reasons. In our collage assignment, we are responsible for analyzing specific tones in a picture of our faces. From this analysis, we are to match appropriate levels of grey from newspapers to the image with respect to the varieties of tone. Up close, the collage should look like a jumble of newsprint, but far away should create a photographic finish. In our other assignment, the oversized portrait of our face in a photocopier, we have to recopy our photocopied scan on a piece of oversized paper, making sure we match the appropriate grey scale. Even though Chuck Close works with color the idea of enlarging the scale of a face and matching the appropriate tones to create a realistic finish is basically the same concept we must practice in class. 

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