Thursday, February 5, 2009

1 comment:

  1. The thing i find most interesting about Hoffner's work is that she seems to break some of the rules. Traditionally artists use atmospheric prospective to make things look more realistic. This first piece clearly breaks that tradition. The background is actually much more realistic than the foreground. It makes the picture look extremely different right from the start. I find it interesting that Hoffner chose those particular photos. The first one seems to be intentionally blurred. It is like working realistically while almost trying to be abstract. The images, while portraying standard things are blurred to the point of abstraction. Our minds just associate those images with what they are. They second piece with the boat seemed to work together better. The piece of tape shows a clear division but i think it is very interesting all the same. It is like a mirage. It reminds me of imagination at its best. The last image does not do much for me. I think that it could lead to new ideas and break through if it is studied. Sometimes the random and often chaotic disorder of pieces like that give you new ideas that you never would have thought of before.
