Thursday, February 19, 2009

Leah Waitekus- post of Kim Beck

I really love her work work.  I especially love the one with the telephone pole.  She takes things you see everyday and makes them unique and interesting to look at.  I also find it interesting how in her first two pictures she basically just created one black shape but yet it is very distinguishable and I know what it is right away. It is simple but unique.  The third piece is interesting because it has so many different lines and perspectives.  As a whole it was not one of my favorites though. The pink foam piece she did is amazing.  From afar it looks just like a bunch of random things piled together but from up close you can see all the details, it must have taken a very long time to do and that kind of makes me appreciate it more. The last one also has a lot of detail.  I like how it looks close up better from far away.  

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