Thursday, February 5, 2009


  1. Hoffner’s work is very interesting because it takes realistic landscape drawings and then imposes more stylized urban or industrial things on them. She also breaks from traditional drawing by using mixed media and fusing two styles together in one piece. Her work has a very architectural rendering style, as she the content of her work deals with landscapes, buildings, and floor plans. I think that this amalgamation of styles for depicting scenery is fascinating and will leave a mark in the history of drawing. She uses the linear and atmospheric perspective to force depth and scale. She is very talented and I am interested in trying to replicate her style.

  2. I agree with the comment above me. I really enjoy Hoffner's synchronous yet simplistic use of media. The linear drawings placed upon everyday sceneries portrays various messages. In this piece, it appears to be a recreational field underneath the cityscape. This could be a hypothetical example of prominent feature in a small-town, or suburb, that has fallen victim to urban expansion. Overall I really enjoy Hoffman's line usage and contrasting utilization of pen and photography.
