Thursday, April 16, 2009

I found this image on the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University website in a section discussing the career options for printmaking. I find this piece particularly interesting because I have some experience with the medium after todays class. I think that is always the most important thing. It is so easy to go to a museum today and see some great work and see some work that does not look so great. I know I used to think that about clay sculpture. After trying the medium myself, I discovered just how difficult it truly is. The same principle applies to todays class. Not that i know a little about printmaking it makes a big difference in the way i view a piece. I understand the difficulties more now. I would like to learn more about the wood block prints. I think it would be extremely interesting and exciting to make make prints like that. I really like what our instructor said about printmaking. He said it is kind of a cross roads of many different majors. I think that is particularly true in this case. Almost all art has the same fundamental principles but printmaking really is a good cross roads for drawing, illustration, painting, photography and almost any kind of two dimensional imagery. It is an interesting medium because there is no easy way to make the grays. It is not to difficult to make black or white. But the ways to make grey are as diverse as the number of people that try it. The medium itself is extremely experimental. It is really just about trying different things and seeing what works and what doesn't. 

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