Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My friend's work

I forgot about this until after I did the Chuck Close post, but this is a self portrait my friend did.  It was a project he had to do last year for his school. He had to print his name out in different ways and place them strategically for shading. It's pretty cool

1 comment:

  1. This is really innovative. I feel like there is a lot of ways to portray value that are often unexplored. This is a very interesting alternative to just shading something in. I think he did a good job of using the different fonts and using bold to create value and then switching to the black background on the font to get the darkest darks. It sort of reminds me of a project we had to do for 2D last semster in Gale Hoffman's class where we used different textures and techniques to create a value transition using pen ank ink.
