Wednesday, April 22, 2009

MC Escher

This is a drawing by MC Escher. It has a good range of value, and a lot of midtones which is pretty nice. the background is completely flat and shows no space but the spheres reflection includes great depth. The hand is very realistic and so is the reflection but there is some texture that makes it look a little grainy. There is a balance throughout the piece like the dark background and the dark tones in the shelves with the contrasting lighter toned hand and ceiling.

1 comment:

  1. The element that really stands out to me in this piece is Escher's use of the same mid-tone throughout the composition. The life-like quality is not achieved by using stark contrasts between light and dark, but subtleties in the juxtaposition of one tone against another. Each detail stands alone and is crisp yet all areas of the composition can be viewed at the same time without any one distracting, contrasting area. The combination of precision and subtle use of tone is clearly and effective way to handle value.
