Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Atelier Bow-wow Company

Although this is a company, and not a specific artist, I think that the work done by it is interesting. One of the people from this company came and spoke and I attended the lecture. (Several other people my have also because our Japanese Design professor recommended to go) The work is mainly architectural, which relates back to the basis for several of our drawings in class. The cube, cylindrical, and perspective drawings that we have been doing all can relate to an architectural form. In our past class we were working with organic forms and this company is very in tune with nature. The buildings that they create are all based on observing nature and human behavior and our class is about observing too. The angles being used and the simplicity of form are important to the designers. Their goal is to create a house that is in tune with the way nature works (lighting, wind) along with the way a human behaves in the environment. As far as the chairs go, these were about observing the way dogs behave and then relating it to the form of a chair. I thought this was also relating to our class because our class is about observing something while drawing it. Also, they are about exploring the form of an object and translating it into a piece of art. Overall, I think that the concepts of this company are very interesting and they have a strong.

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