Thursday, March 26, 2009

Charles Sheeler

I felt that Michele's post of Charles Dimuth's cubist work really reflects what we are currently doing with the Greenhouses. To expand on what she started, I looked up Charles Sheeler and discovered that he too deals with space in interesting ways.  In the piece on the left he creates a complex composition by overlapping and working with transparency.  I feel like this is a good tactic in that the space becomes complicated but not overworked.  He approaches his work with a very conscious intent; he waters down his compositions by staying within a small range of colors and tones. Sheeler can fill a picture plane, make it abundant with lines and forms, and yet he does it in a way that doesn't overwhelm the viewer.  The decisions that Sheeler makes in producing a peice come through in the finished artwork and I think that this is something to pay attention to when creating our own compositions. 

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